Interactive IFS

Group Leader Training





In this course, you will be trained in how to lead an Interactive IFS Group. This will include didactic presentations about principles and techniques of group leading. The training group will also function as an Interactive IFS Group, so you will experience what it is like to be a member of this kind of group. We will learn by reflecting on what happened in the group, how I led it, and the interventions I used. You will have an opportunity to practice leading the group under my guidance. Those students who are already leading groups of this nature can receive consultations on your groups.

I have been leading Interactive Groups for 40 years. I am currently revising my book Interactive Group Therapy to incorporate IFS and other advances in my knowledge of group leading since it was originally written. You will receive these chapters as I write them. I have been teaching experiential courses on IFS for 20 years.

Since my Interactive IFS Groups are not therapy groups but personal growth groups, you don't have to be a therapist to take this training.

Interactive IFS Group Leader Training 

with Jay Earley, PhD 

Training 1
10am-12pm PST
2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month

for 20 sessions
Course is in progress.

Training 2
10am-12pm pacific time
First and Third Fridays of each month
for 20 sessions
Course is in progress.

Time Zone Converter


The next trainings will start in Sept.

If you are interested in taking a future training with Jay Earley, please start by filling out this QUESTIONNAIRE

Course Logistics

  • Prerequisite: Some knowledge of IFS. Some experience in therapy or growth groups.
  • The group is limited to 8 members.
  • Course meets online twice a month, on Zoom, for 2 hours
  • Tuition is $1400.00.
  • Recordings of each session will be available on a page for your group.    
  • If you complete the training, you will receive a certificate of attendance.
  • I may be able to help your practice by referring people to your groups. A few people may lead groups through the Interactive Group Institute.

What People Are Saying About the Interactive IFS Groups: